var p_delete = false; var language = {"username_error_for_login":"Please enter appropriate login username to login to LibyaPost Mobile App CMS.","username_error_for_forgot_password":"Please enter appropriate login username to login to LibyaPost Mobile App CMS.","logout_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to logout?","profile_form_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save your profile?","profile_form_error_1":"Your username must consist of at least 2 characters.","profile_form_error_2":"Your username must be an appropriate email id. e.g.","profile_form_error_3":"Your name (English) must be at least 2 characters long.","profile_form_error_4":"Your login password must be at least 8 characters long.","profile_form_error_5":"Your login password and confirm password must be same.","language_form_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save language content?","delete_one_record_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete selected record\nof","delete_all_records_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete all\nrecords of","delete_selected_records_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete selected\nrecords of","select_record_alert_delete":"Select one or more record in\n{module} to delete.","restore_one_record_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to restore selected record\nof","restore_all_records_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to restore all\nrecords of","restore_selected_records_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to restore selected\nrecords of","select_record_alert_restore":"Select one or more record in\n{module} to restore.","selected":"Selected:","allowed_file_types":"Allowed File Types:","files_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save file information?","delete_thumb_view_image_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete\nthumb view image file?.","delete_file_of_file_module_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to\ndelete selected file?.","download_file_of_file_module_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to\ndownload selected file?.","delete_photo_of_photo_module_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete selected photo?.","links_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save link information?","push_notification_form_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to send push notification to selected device?.","photos_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save photo information?","set_sequence_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save display sequence of","services_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save service information?","cities_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save city information?","users_form_login_confirm_password_same_error":"Login and confirm password must be same.","offices_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save office information?","users_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save user information?","stamps_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save stamp information?","delete_stamp_of_stamp_module_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete selected stamp?.","download_stamp_of_stamp_module_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to download selected stamp?.","download_photo_of_photo_module_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to download selected photo?.","stamps_addition_data_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save additional data information of selected stamp?","profile_form_error_6":"Your name (العربية) must be at least 2 characters long.","quick_posts_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save quick post information?","videos_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save video information?","dynamic_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save form information?","cms_settings_form_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save CMS Settings?.","delete_permanently_selected_records_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete PERMANENTLY selected records of","delete_permanently_all_records_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete PERMANENTLY all records of","delete_permanently_one_record_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete PERMANENTLY selected record of","delete_data_will_not_delete_from_mobile_app_note":"Deleting data permanently in CMS, will not delete data from Mobile App. Are you sure you want to continue?","multiselect_search_placeholder":"search...","navigation_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save navigation information?","row_no":"Row No:","delete_navigation_icon_english_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete selected navigation icon image (english)?","delete_navigation_icon_arabic_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete selected navigation icon image (العربية)?","set_sequence_form_submit_confirmation_of_navigation_link_data":"Are you sure you want to save display sequence of navigation link data?","max_row_creation_allowed_alert":"You can add maximum {maxrows} rows in this form.","category_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save category information?","set_sequence_form_submit_confirmation_of_categories_data":"Are you sure you want to save display sequence of categories data?","set_sequence_form_submit_confirmation_of_banners_data":"Are you sure you want to save display sequence of banners data?","banner_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save banner information?","delete_banner_image_file_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete selected banner image file?","set_sequence_form_submit_confirmation_of_page_banners":"Are you sure you want to save display sequence of page banners?","pags_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save page information?","delete_apns_sandbox_file":"Are you sure you want to delete APNS sandbox server's PEM file?.","delete_apns_production_file":"Are you sure you want to delete APNS production server's PEM file?.","app_config_form_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save application configuration?.","form_fields_form_submit_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to save form field information?.","form_fields_min_max_error":"Minimum value must be lower than maximum value.","set_sequence_form_submit_confirmation_of_form_field_options":"Are you sure you want to save display sequence of form field options?","push_notification_submit_to_cron_form_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to submit push notification to cron?."}